Thursday, February 1, 2007

Dividing Tasks

How did your team sub-divide your project into tasks? Is this division of labor evident in the final outcome?

Each person in the group brainstormed by themselves and tried to come up with three ideas to bring to the first meeting. In this meeting we bounced ideas off one and other and developing a singular project with aspects of the other ideas. We decided on trying to capture the short and repetitive conversation of a bus driver and the passenger. We wanted to get an audio sample from one loop of one route. We also wanted the samples to be from different times so we could experience varying traffic flow and demographic of riders. So we split up the recording into three trips. Nikita and I took the late night on Saturday. Rob took the daytime route on Monday. And Alejandro took the evening route on Wednesday. So we have three tape sides with different routes recorded on them. Then we decided to each write something on the blog about the project in terms of storage and retrieval.

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